My self worth and value is not determined by numbers in a bank account


Beloved One, 

You're worthy, valued, adored, wealthy, abundant and successful regardless of the numbers in your bank account or the amount of money in your wallet.

For too long the world has told you a big lie. A lie that convinces you that you’re only worthy, valuable and successful according to how much money you have, make, give or receive. 

Money is just a physical manifestation of your consciousness, your energy. It is just a number, a vibration of energy that we choose to apply a value to. It ultimately holds NO power or claim over you, your worth or your value. 

You’re already worthy, valuable, and successful simply because you exist. 

You're the creator of your reality, you get to choose and decide the life, money, wealth and abundance you desire, not money, the material world or other people. 

From your soul's perspective you’re already successful, wealthy, rich, loved and adored no matter what is currently playing out in your material environment. 

You don’t need to prove your worth or your value through money. Your worth and value is in you simply BEING YOU.

Know you’re loved, adored, taken care of and supported by the Divine and all of life whether you have money or don’t have money. 

All is well, Beloved One. All is well. 

Love & Infinite Wealth, 

Ellen Sirena xoxo

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