I am loved, supported and provided for by God


Beloved One, there is nothing for you to prove, no special tasks or tests that you must pass so you can prove you are worthy, ready or deserving of your desires. 

You are worthy, ready, whole, complete, perfect just as you are, right here, right now. 

Nothing to prove, nothing to pass, you being all of you is all that is simply required. 

For being all of you is simply you being you, enjoying this moment, enjoying your life in the now, sharing your gifts, your truth, your love, your creativity, your soul’s unique expression, knowing that you are divinely worthy, loved, provided for and supported by all of life and God, UNCONDITIONALLY. 

There are no conditions being placed on you or your life except the ones you may have created yourself. 

There are no conditions on how much money, abundance or wealth you get to create. 

There are no conditions that you must pass special tests to prove your worth or your readiness for someone or something. 

There are no conditions on you that you must try to be someone or something else that you’re not in order to succeed. 

You are loved, adored and seen as worthy of all that you desire simply because you exist. There are no conditions on you, on your money, on your life, on your business, on your success, no conditions at all. 

You live in an infinite cosmic energy field of creation known as unconditional love (God).

And unconditional love is just that, there are no conditions that say you must abide by conditional rules or else you won’t get what you want. 

Drop any preconceived notions you may have created or taken on from other’s that somehow life, money, abundance, success, etc, is conditional.

It is all unconditional. 

When anyone or anything starts to place conditions on you or you place ones on yourself knowingly or unknowingly, we invite you to question those conditions. 

Do those conditions light you up, expand you, bring you joy or do they drain you, stress you, upset you?

If it’s the latter then it is a condition that does not serve you and is out of alignment and integrity with your soul.

When it’s unconditional love it will light you up, expand you, bring you joy. 

For when you are tapped into the unconditional love of your creator you bask in the simple joy of your beingness, knowing and trusting that you are worthy of it all simply because you exist. 

Nothing to prove. 

Nothing to pass.

Nothing to try for. 

Nothing to strive for. 

For you are all that you seek and so much more in this moment, this life and beyond. 

Who you are in essence is unconditional LOVE playing in the physical world of form. 

That is all. 

All is well. 

Love & infinite abundance,

Ellen Sirena xoxo



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