The more I spend. The more I earn.


Become aware of how you FEEL when you spend money and earn money, beloved one. 

Do you feel a sense of tightness, contraction, anxiety in your energy when you spend, or a lightness, expansion, joy in your energy? 

Your feelings will let you know if you’re CLOSING off the flow of infinite money, wealth and abundance or OPENING up to more.

Feelings of joy, happiness, abundance, gratitude, appreciation and wellbeing are the vibrations of prosperity. You’re opening up to receive more. 

Feelings of stress, anxiety, unworthiness, fear, lack, anger, jealousy are the vibrations of scarcity. You’re closing down to receive less.

When you feel yourself closing off as you spend money we invite you to catch it, breathe into it, relax and affirm to yourself - The more I spend. The more I earn.

Money is unlimited, unconditional and always available to you in ever increasing amounts. Trust. Allow yourself to receive. Let it all in. 

All is well. 

Love & Infinite Wealth, 

Ellen Sirena ✨❤️💰

P.s - Super excited to announce starting Monday 11th July I’ll be running Quantum Money Magic, 4 week immersion to activate your quantum powers to create and manifest unlimited money. 

I can’t wait to teach you what I know in this immersion because not only will it radically heal and transform your relationship with money but will activate and awaken you to your divine power to generate, create and manifest any amount of money you desire. 

The sky is not even the limit in my world. 

This is the work that’s helped me and my clients expand into $10K, $20K, $30K, $45K + months, even one client of mine leaping into their first 7 figure month. 

I’d love to have you join me where not only will you receive powerful quantum wealth creation masterclasses, meditations, money mantras, fabulous bonuses etc. but 4 weeks with me personally in your back pocket where you can ask me any questions you have, where I can read your energy to see where your money blocks are at and shift you into your next level desired money months. 

Early bird pricing till 30th June. 

To learn more and to enrol go here ➡️

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