Today I am Wealthy.
Beloved One, under the perceived appearance of outward lack and scarcity, you still hold within you an infinite, unlimited source of wealth and abundance.
Lack and scarcity are illusions. They’re man made. Wealth and abundance is the true nature of you, this world and the cosmos.
It’s your inner state of wealth consciousness that creates the outer world of material wealth and abundance. Not the other way around.
Everyday and in every moment you have access to this unconditional and unlimited source of wealth and abundance within you.
You access your God given natural state of wealth and wellbeing by turning within, dropping into your heart, into your breathing, into this PRESENT MOMENT. Just being. Being HERE NOW. Release the illusions of past, future and time and come home to this present moment where all that you desire dwells.
All is well.
All is being taken care of.
All the money, wealth and abundance you desire is here for you and available for you. Trust.
All is well.
Love & infinite wealth,
Ellen Sirena xoxo